Scheduled Releases:
Q2 2023
Workflow guides and prompts
- Providing the ability to add prompts and assistance intended to help guide the user (i.e. when to start a workflow or close a report)
US English culture
- Introducing the ability to select the preferred date format for users in this locale.
Improved rule visibility
- Form Designer will make it clearer what fields/sections have rules
Q3 2023
Homepage Customisation
- Improved options to customise the homepage to include additional links, news ticker and section ordering
Workflow Guidance
- will support links to your help resources
Ideagen Home Integration
- Ability to integrate Coruson with Ideagen Home
Q4 2023
Improved User Experience
- When dealing with the selection of standard events in the instance when there are multiple events to choose from.
Support/Maintaining Formatting
- For both User Interface and Emails
Usability Improvements
- Improvements to the Mobile Homepage to better suit the most common functions that users use.
Usability & UX Improvements
- Improved messaging when a team member has claimed ownership of a task and a user navigates to a record
- Make it easy to assign a task to a group member from the membership list
- Hide data retrieval warnings from all except admins
- Enhanced Response Feedback
New Features
- Allow Safety Reports to be validated before they are submitted
- Platform API improvements to better support integrations
- The ability to customize text on the report submission receipt email
Regulatory & Compliance
- ECCAIRs 2.0 – Investigating approaches to accommodate the new API
Mobile app
- Support ‘Forgot my Password’ in Mobile
- Support ‘tooltips’ in Mobile