How to manage dashboards / widgets in Coruson
Overview - This article will advise the steps to add, configure and delete widgets and dashboards.
How to add a Dashboard in Coruson.
To add a dashboard simply click the ‘Add Dashboard’ tab at the top of the screen and give the dashboard a name.
If you ever need to delete the dashboard you can hover over the dashboard tab and click the red X.
How to add a Widget.
You can add new widgets from the icon in the top right that says, “Add Widget”.
You will then see the instructions on the screen advising how to configure and remove widgets.
Configuring Widgets
Once you have added a widget you can configure it. To do this, click on the drop down in the top left of the widget and select 'Configure'. This will allow you to configure the Visuals, filters and groups.
Removing Widgets
To remove a widget, click the drop down in the top right of the widget and select 'Remove'