Galileo Structure and Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)
Who is this article for?Administrators responsible for analysing Galileo data.
Access keys for Galileo are required.
Users submit data into Coruson (such as completing audits or submitting reports) and so administrators or senior management will often require analytics to be performed.
This article outlines the structure of Galileo and is split into the following sections:
1. Galileo Structure
Galileo presents the Data Warehouse as a collection of database views, formatted to match both the underlying tables, and through composite views that show the data pre-joined in useful, common reporting formats. As a result, it is possible to create more complex reports with little effort.
- Hierarchies are presented to the user as views. They are easy to search and not restricted in depth. They can also be easily used in other queries to return data related to rows in the hierarchy.
- Fact views are the central premise of Data Warehouse designs and will likely be very large and complex. In Galileo, these Fact tables have been implemented as Fact views that, while still returning the same data, can be modified to make them less complex and more efficient.
Galileo also includes selective modular fact views that will allow users to create composite queries that only look at the parts of the main fact view that they are interested in.
If the user wishes to look at workflow associated with a report, the query joining to the large Report_Fact table means that we are retrieving a lot more data than is needed to just analyse Workflow. The subset will still be returned but much more slowly than necessary. Instead, the user has access to a modular view (Report_Fact_Workflow) which returns only the data associated with Reports and the Workflow / Task tables and, as such, returns far fewer rows in a much faster time. This means that the same complex, composite queries can be created as before, returning the same data for analysis, but in much faster yet less complex queries.
2. Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)
The documents below provide details on the views available for development and a map of the views and relationships.