How to Export Reporting Data
Who is this article for?Administrators who are accessing Coruson on a browser.
System Wide Administrator permissions are required.
The Reporting Data Exports within Coruson allows user to report their Report data to external authorities. This article will cover how users can access both the CSV Export and Report Data Export features from within the Administration section of Coruson.
Accessing the Reporting Data Exports
Access to the Report Data Exports is only available to users who are System Wide Administrators. Users who have this level of permission can navigate to Report Data Exports by going to Administration > Reporting > Data Export.
Within this area will be two further options available to you:
- CSV Export
- Report Data Export
Report Data Export
The Report Data Export feature allows you to schedule exports to run on a set period for forms that meet a specific criteria. By default, the only Schema available for the data export function will be for ECCAIRS, this is specific to our Aviation customers. This will use the E5X format.
Creating a New Data Export Service
To access this option, click on Report Data Export and this will take you into the Export Register for Data Export Services. From here, new Draft Data Exports can be created, configured, and then activated when ready.
Click the blue + button to the top right of the screen to create a new Data Export. Enter the relevant details within the Name and Description. Within the Schema field, select the relevant ECCAIRS version for the export as per any external authority request.
Note: The Schema versions available will be kept up to date as per external authority requirements. Previous versions of the Schema will be available for selection if required.
Configuring the New Data Export Service
A blank draft export form should now appear. Change the Export Format to any required format. The options which are currently available are E5X, XML or CSV. For external authorities, this is often E5X. Next, enter the email address of where the data export should be sent to within the Address field.
Tip: Should emails need to be sent to multiple addresses, a semicolon can be used to define separate these. For example,;;
Under the Configuration section click the Add button. Configure the frequency in which this export service is required to run. Annually, Monthly, Weekly or Daily can be selected as options.
Adding Export Rules
In the Export Rule section click the Add button This is the trigger field; this is set up so that when a report field is set to a specific value then this will trigger the export for this record. Define the Field that requires exporting and set the Value that the field should contain to be picked up by the export.
Once Send Set To defines what value the field should be set to once the export has successfully run so that it does not trigger for any subsequent data exports. This field can be left as 'Please select...' should there be no requirement for the value to change.
Important: Export Rules run on an 'and' rule set, not an 'or'. Therefore, unless the field is multiselect, using the same field multiple times to define more than one Value may result in the export not running successfully.
Adding Defined Forms
To narrow the number of forms in which the export runs against, in the Forms section select the Add button. This will allow users to specify which forms they want to include in the export service. They can also include any attachments from the report records by checking the box in the Forms section should you wish.
Configuring the Mapping
Select the Mapping tab at the top of the page to choose which fields are required for the export. There will be the option of selecting from the following data sources of the report records:
- Field Bank Field - This is a field located on the report itself.
- Risk Assessment Field - This is data collected in the Risk Assessment section within the Evaluation tab of the report record.
- Classification Field - This is data collected in the classification section within the Evaluation tab of the report record.
- Header Field - This is the meta data of the record, things like Report Owner, Raised Date, Raised By and Report Status.
When finished adding the required mapping, select the drop-down menu at the top right of the screen and select Activate. Once activated users can choose to manually run the export at any time with the Run Manual Export button. Otherwise, the export will run on the scheduled time.
If further changes are required, at any time select the drop-down menu at the top right and revise the export service. Make sure to re-activate the export service when ready.
CSV Export
This export function is the simpler of the two options, this will only export in CSV format as titled.
- Click to open on the CSV Export module from the navigation menu
- Choose a period from which you want to export (Raised After and Raised Before dates)
- Select the Report Type to export, by default this will select all report forms
- Enter the email address to send the exported CSV file to (By default this will be the email address of the user currently logged into the system)
- There is the option of using a password for the exported CSV file, but this is not mandatory.
- Click Export and the file should be sent to you by email when the export service finishes.
The columns contained in the CSV field "Additional Fields" and "Fields" will contain multiple values, these values will be delimited with the character ~
Important: CSV Exports are limited by the number of records that they produce. Users will be unable to export if the number of report records within their date ranges is greater than 1000.