Configuring Reminders
In the reminders section at the top you can filter the results by [Status] and [Module], by clicking the text a drop-down menu will appear, for [Status] you will get the following options. All, Disabled and Enabled, for [Module] you will get the following options All, Document, Reporting, Audit and Risk
Alternatively you can create a filter by clicking [add filter], in the filter you will get the following options, Select a field to filter, choose operator, Enter filter value.
Select a field to filter, this will give you the option to filter by name.
Choose Operator, this will give you the option to filter by Contains, Does not contain, Is equal to, is not equal to, starts with, ends with.
Enter filter value, this is the value the results will be filtered by.
Reminders are sent out at a [set time], this time will go off each users timezone. you can change the time the reminders are sent by selecting the current time field and choosing a new time from the list. The time is in 24 hours format.
To [Enable] one of the reminders click on the down arrow on the right of the reminder and select [Enable].
To change the [Reminder schedule] click on the down arrow at the right of the reminder, select [edit], in the [Reminder schedule] you can set how many days before the due date you want the reminder to go out. To change this hover over the text, select the icon on the right, enter the number of days and click save.
Below is a list of all the reminders that can be configured within Coruson.