In Coruson creating a new document is simple and easy. Enter the documents module by clicking the three horizontal lines in the top left corner and then select ‘Documents’ and then ‘Documents’ again.
From the documents list that is now displayed click on the document number of the document that you wish to add copyholders to. The document details view will now open.
From the document details view scroll down until to find the 'Distribution Section'
The distribution list shows the users that are already copyholders of the document, the date the document was distributed to the copyholder and the date that the document was acknowledged (if the document has not been acknowledged this field will be blank). New copyholders can be added as individual users or as groups.
To add a copyholder, start to type the name if the user or group in the search box.
Once you have found the user or group that you want to add as a copy holder, click the users' name. The new copyholder will then appear in the list and the document will automatically be distributed to them. The new copyholder will receive an email informing them that they must acknowledge a document.
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