What is Tenant Segregation?
Tenant segregation allows an organisation to “Segregate” their Coruson system to suit the needs of each Organisational Unit. This saves the customer from having buy multiple tenants.
For example, The Coruson tenant could have three Organisational Units based on Office Locations, for example Glasgow, London and New York.
The Coruson Tenant can be split to only show the Glasgow users anything related to Glasgow, the London Users can only see anything related to London and the same for New York. They will all access the same Coruson tenant, but anyone who logs in will only see what they are configured to see based on their Organisational Unit.
This can also be configured to allow an administrator for each Organisational Unit, rather than having an overall administrator being needed on three locations rather than just one.
How to Configure Tenant Segregation
Configuring the Organisational Unit
- Navigate to [Administration] > [People And Security] > [Organisational Units]
- Press the [+] icon next to the "Organisational Units" header.
- Enter the required details and press "Add".
Configuring the Groups
- Navigate to [Administration] > [People and Security] > [Groups]
- Add a new group using the [+] icon at the top right of the page.
- Name the group accordingly and ensure the "Create in" is set to your OU.
Configuring the Groups Permissions
- Open the "Organisational Unit Members" tab and add your new Organisational Unit
- Open the "Security" tab, now configure the permissions to what you require. For example the "Document Records Access" permissions.
Any users you add to this OU will now inherit these permissions.
More details on how to add permissions are available in other articles.