Audit types are used to categories audits. For example, internal, supplier or external audits. Additionally they are used to pre-configure many attributes of an audit such as the numbering sequence, default checklists and report forms to be used throughout the audit process. You can configure each type to assign a numbering sequence, default checklists and/or report forms. Before you can create an Audit Type you must have first created an Audit Workflow template to assign to it.
Audit Types
Audit types are created via the Administration area on the navigation panel.
Select [Administration], [Admins Audit], then [Audit Types].
If you do not see the Administration option on your navigation panel, you do not have access to the Administration area. You will need to speak to your Gael Enlighten Administrator to add this.
Add an Audit Type by selecting the add icon;
You must enter information for any fields marked with a *
The [Prefix] will make up the first part of the audit number. The audit number is used to identify the audit type. It is also used to sort lists of audits of a specific type. The prefix of 'IA' above stand for Internal Audit. Adding a dash after the prefix will make the audit number easier to read.
Using [Padding] can be helpful as the number of audits in the system increases. You can add enough padding to ensure the audit numbers remain constant, and sort correctly in the audit register.
The first number of audit with this Audit Type will be IA-01. However, it is possible to edit the audit number from the audit register.
You must select an audit workflow to associate with the audit. The audit workflow must exist before an audit type can be created. When an audit is scheduled, the workflow template is applied to the audit automatically. However, auditors will still be able to change the workflow if required.
The Audit Type list can be flat or hierarchical depending on requirements. To add child Audit Types by selecting the Audit Type from the list, and clicking the add icon beside it;
Configuring Audit Types
After the Audit Type has been created, if can be further configured by selecting it from the list to reveal the details pane on the right. When selected the Audit Type name will change to a blue background;
Add / Remove:
By placing the pointer to the right of the title, description or prefix fields will reveal the pencil icon. Click on the icon to edit any of these fields.
Click the add icon beside checklists, default responses or reports to add an instance of each.
Click the delete icon to remove any instances no longer required.
Changing the prefix, padding, or workflow template will only affect audits created after the change. Editing the title will affect all audits, existing and future.
Default Responses:
Gael Enlighten is supplied with three default responses, “Compliant”, “Not Compliant” and “Not Applicable”. These can be removed if required, and you can add or create other default responses. Default responses are applied to all Checklist Templates associated with the Audit Type. It allows users to respond to an audit question with a single click or tap. This feature can be especially useful on touch enabled mobile devices.
Reports Forms:
Report forms added to the type will be available to auditors to raise non-conformance reports and observations. One or more forms may be added to the Audit Type. It is not necessary to distribute forms to Auditors, adding them to a type will make them available in the audit finding section. If you do not add at least one report form, auditors will not be able to raise reports from the audit.
Archive Audit Types
Audit Types that are no longer required can be archived. Click the dots to the right of the Audit Type name in the details panel, and select [Archive];
The archive warning message will appear;
View Archive Audit Types
To view archived Audit Types, change the Status menu to [Active & Archived];
It is possible to reinstate the archived Audit Type by selecting the name to reveal the details pane, and then selecting [Reinstate];
The font of the Audit type name will change back to black;