How to Request Feedback on a Report
Who is this article for?Users who have been given access to a report form.
Send Report Feedback permission is required.
If you are working on a record it can be useful to request feedback from other users. When you request feedback a message will be sent to the selected user, providing them with the link to record.
Examples: If you have completed a workflow and you want a colleague to informally review the information then the feedback can be used to send a message to a user.
The recipient will be set to the Report Raiser by default. You can easily change the user by typing their name into the recipient box.
Request Feedback
Reminder: You can only send feedback messages to other Coruson users.
How to do it:
- Click on the report action button.
- Select Feedback.
- Enter the name of the recipient.
- Type the message.
- Click Send.